Friday, May 25, 2007

B and T ini!

I have the perfect neighbors... We live in our neighborhood, 'the gay ghetto'.

I remember moving into my house in 2002... I scored big... My own first place--in town--near the civic center, beaches, and tart trail... I loved it... The woman who lived there previously had passed on and her family had allowed me to purchase it... It was cute, quaint... a real grandmothers house...

I have quite a private back yard, for being in the city... I have a privacy fence between my house and the neighbors, and it has a window cut out of it... It was put there by the previous tennant so that she could speak easily with the family on the other side.

The other side family is a very religious family with lots and lots of kids.... Don't get me wrong-- I don't hate kids or the extremely religious, it's just that I don't think that I have anything really in common...

I wanted to close up that window, but never really had a good way of approaching it peacefully between neigbors.

Move a couple years later... The religious family has moved out, and I now have a beautiful woman as a neighbor... She's gay too, and really dynamic. "Connie"!

Connie had just purchased her house after getting out of a long term committment. I loved having her next door, and felt an immediate attachment.

After a couple of months... Connie met Sue. Sue is very cool.. Having worked for the prison system in upper management for years, you could tell this lady doesn't take shit from anyone... She's cute, and is a sailor with one of the most caring and gentle souls that I have ever met.

Connie and Sue have moved in together to the house next door... I no longer want to cover that window. You see, that window is the way that my dog, Newport, gets to ask Sue to throw the ball, and how we can get the run down on each other's day. Connie and Sue invited me over to the house last night for a birthday drink. Connie produced this unbelievable new martini created by their long time friends... They call it the B and T ini, and it knocked me on my ass.

Connie and Sue have become my family, and I am greatful for their presence in my life. I hope we get to share many more fun times, and B and T ini's!

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