Monday, May 21, 2007

The Dreaded Ex...

I've been plagued in my post-JC world with any ability to receive closure on the full 3 year hurricane which was my life... Being quite young at the time of our meeting and subsequent moving in (pretty much all in the same day), I can't help but be amazed that it did last as long as it did...

I remember the summer of meeting JC... I was 19 years old and had just completed my freshman year of college. I , although closeted, was starting to explore my sexuality... I had supportive friends who I spent all of my time with, and felt for the first time in my life, that I was actually part of a family.

I remember a conversation I had with Lucy (my moving girl) about what I was actually looking for... I clearly remember talking about finding the V8 guy... The rugged, successful, active guy who would have to kick his dog out of bed so that there would be a spot for me.... JC was this guy...

I don't deny that we had a really close bond... And, I don't deny that we were both extremely strong willed and stubborn. I loved him, and the thought of him being without me sent me into uncontrolled panic attacks... Whenever I would see him, I always felt nervous... The butterflies in my stomach... Weird that this guy actually had the ability to chemically change me. I've learned to run from those who give me those feelings...

Being stubborn and strong willed, our break up was dramatic, emotional, and pretty fucked up... JC and I at the end were getting increasing rude and physical with each other...Pushing and grabbing...

Looking back, getting out of that situation was the best thing ever. Although it took quite a bit of time to stop being emotional, I did find myself in a great group of friends... Friends that fit my personality... The ENTOURAGE..

I healed and developed my own life, friends, home, and career.

Fast forward to 2007... After years of trying to approach JC on a friend level... It disturbs me of the recent chain of events that I have been put through... Actually, it makes me laugh to know that someone I held in such high esteem has turned into such a little kid.

Recently I was IM'd by JC... He has quite the approach everytime he does this, and I know where it is going... Not good..
He always asks if I ever see us getting back together?

Are you serious?

This is the guy that tells me he can't talk to me because of all of the horrible deceit and untruths that I told him--and he asks me if I ever have any interest in getting back together? What did I miss? He can't talk to me, or be my friend if I'm not willing to fully commit to a relationship again? I haven't seen JC in years, what right does he have to even assume... JC knew me in my venerable early 20's, now I'm scooting towards 30...

I just thought that was weird to have him get so angy at my answer to his question... NO, no I don't ever see us getting back together... Anyone else have similar amusing drama?...

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