I love sailing on new boats... Today, I was happy to sail on the new J-100 and man, oh, man... What a riot...
I actually was lucky enough to be aboard two 100's today... 1.) in charlevoix... the second 2. ) in Harbor Springs.
The second is the one in which I got to go sailing...
Although not a complete 'sportboat' , this daysailor kind of exceeded my expectations... It was a blast.
I met the owner, a single female socialite , who summers in Haba...She was awesome, new to sailing, and I think... grew to love me... We set out in a southerly breeze from Irish at a good clip towards the point... This boat likes to move...
I had to take some photos of the mainsail, and make nice-nice in my efforts to gain a strong hold back into the Haba Market. Everything set well and looked nice...
It was a good sail, and I look forward to working with Ms. 'Courage'...
Hey... I was up there this evening... so-called 'sailing' (no breeze) on Stinger.
What's the story with the J100 there? Are you going to head up regularly and sail with that diva? If so, let me know... I'd love to sail on that boat for fun, and if you are going to do same, let me know if she needs crew.
I'd be happy to head up with you and do some J100'ing.
Y. Padawan
Hey Guys,
Sorry, I am not a Diva or a socialite nor am I in love with you. But I am in love with sailing and passionate about my J100.
As Are You Serious knows, I bought a spinnker and full foot jib for it. That means I am looking for crew for next season in Harbor.
I would like to race Sunday afternoons with the big kids, the J105s and the Mumms with the spinnker. I would also like to join the B class, mostly Alerions, on Tuesday evenings, non spinnker. I thought mixing it up would be fun. The Holt boom for the jib would have to come off before each race and the other jib put up. Vis versa after the race.I really like taking the boat out by myself. That is why I would want the self tackig boom put back on. I also invite some rather useless friends to sail.
I am going to try to get to J World racing school in Key West this March to learn as much as I can.
I started to get involved in some off shore racing as crew in the Naples, Fort Myers area but I found I didn't really like it. I guess I have a short attention span.
I sail with The University of Michigan Sailing Club in the spring and fall. We have short corses on J15s or Lazers. I really like sailing a Lazer, maybe because I dislike the J15. The club is going to buy a V15 next year. That is a fun boat.
Well, if you guys are interested let me know. email: rlfprinces@aol.com.
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