Thursday, July 12, 2007

Finding the Lord...

Man, tonight I have just opened up a huge can of worms... Damn, Damn, damn, damn!

My inquisitive nature has put me back into a position where I now feel like I need to go into hiding, change my phone number, and drop back into nonexistence... Damn it... I called Jessica!

Ms. L is an interesting character. A once time heir to the Honeywell fortune, she had everything that anyone could ever want... I mean, this girl had some freight.

I met Jessica during my first break home from college. Everyone at my then home yacht club knew Jessica, and her cute vintage convertible--great 'cottage' on exclusive Round Lake, her sailboat, and more than anything... Her craziness.

Being young, I grew to like Jessica. The drama surrounding her was intriguing. Her life with money was fascinating. She wintered at her home in San Francisco, and summered in Charlevoix.

I drove from Michigan to California strait through and back to get her Melges 24 sailboat one crazy weekend. We were close... But we weren't.

Jessica's craziness started to wear on me, quickly. Her mood swings and depressive, negative, brutal behavior was increasingly hard to handle.

Jessica swindled all of her money away on frivolous things... She was the epitome of the poor lil' rich girl.. The more money she realized that she didn't have, the more clever she tried to be on get rich scams and borrowing from friends.

I hadn't talked to Jessica in years-- and I really was interested to see how she was doing... My fingers led the fateful call. (damn, why did I do that!)

Jessica answered, and we had several minutes of general niceness... Then , it got crazy... Like Britney Spears crazy...

After arguing about the America's Cup, she asked me if she could borrow $30,000.00 to help pay off her credit card. ( Are you Serious?) Next, she asked if I would marry her so she could get on my health insurance... (seriously, are you serious?)

I've worked hard for everything that I have in my life, and I've learned to make peace with what I don't have. On the opposite, Jessica was making me so angry with her inability to find a job, and her assumptions that I would just hand over a ton of cash with no form of collateral really irked me.

Thank god my phone died midway through the conversation... But as I sit here and continue to reflect the actions of my once was friend... I continue to roll my eyes.

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