Definitely file this under 'ABSURD', but enjoy the start of an all time winning boy bitch fight between my inflated friend Andy (Notam22) and myself (collegetripp..)
On Tue Jun 19, 2007 08:35 PM, CollegeTripp wrote:> long time no see... how are you?
On Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:58 AM, NOTAM22 wrote:> > ok. i thought maybe you disapeared. so much for being such great friends > huh.
(that was kindof bitchy? Huh?)
> On Thu Jun 21, 2007 02:22 PM, CollegeTripp wrote: yea... I guess... weird how that phone-thing works two ways... but thanks for answering anyway...
(alright... matchpoint college!)
On Sun Jun 24, 2007 06:11 PM, NOTAM22 wrote:
> I guess I kind of figured it was because I didn't want to date you or sleep with you. I believe the last time we hung out was in march and I was the one who called you. O well. It doesn't matter. Andy
(Ok... ouch! Uncalled for... yet still makes me laugh... Alright...seriously, are you serious! Seriously readers... when he called me in March, it was his birthday and he invited himself to my party! pathetic!)
On Sun Jun 24, 2007 06.12 PM, CollegeTripp wrote.
People have told me that you're pretty full of yourself... and I had a hardtime believing it until I just read the first line of that message you sent me...
I guess my friends were right...
(Dude, that has to hurt a little hearing from someone who introduced you to all of my friends. To which the Troll wrote...)
On Tue Jun 26, 2007 09:36 AM, NOTAM22 wrote:
> Your a real piece of work you know that. Maybe if you were hot enough to get a bf you wouldn't have to go home to your dog and cat. I guess this is the end of our shallow friendship. Bye
(OK... ouch to me... I love my dog... He's probably spot-on about the cat however... Unfortunately... at this moment I had a Dixie Carter moment, like she normally had on the show 'Designing Women!... Ready for the flood gates to open?!!)
From: CollegeTrippSubject: Re: ya def wowDate: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:27 AM
Come on... You're proving my point again and again... It's amazing you can get into your condo with your head as swollen as it is.. And now you're calling me ugly and that's why I don't have a BF? Wow... 7th Grade is fun... And what do you expect--to make me feel pathetic because I live my life the way I do and have pets? None of my friends seem to agree with you!
Are you finally feeling better now that's off your chest? What's going on with you? Have the anti's worn off? Maybe it's some bad reaction to a "protein" shake? Let's check, is the acne under control? That's usually a sign of a problem... Seriously, your
anger needs some attention?
It's funny that you actually sent me that last message... What a child! I'm copying and pasting it to my blog, and showing my friends; we've been in search of a good laugh. ... and may even email it to my friend Rick Gordon! You may have heard of him... Don't think he'd be impressed with how you treat people.
((So long... Enjoy the condo and puka shell necklace shopping (that's fromReid!)).
Probably won't see you downtown at any of the spots we went out... You know, being ugly, or as you may call it... an un-hottie, I tend just to gohome and feel sorry for myself with my cat and dog...
Man, you do know me Andy... Wow... You really know me! I guess all my friends who met you (and subsequently refer to you as "the narcissist") are only there either because they're successful, and pathetic, or just maybe feel sorry for me...
Well, now you've done it... I guess I'm crying... Damn , where's my dogand cat for support.
Talk to you when I get back from the Med... Enjoy your boring life, dude!
(Whew! That actually felt good!)
(Tonight my salute goes out to doucebag of the day.... ((da da da daaaaaaa)) Andy the No-Tam22!)