Sunday, June 3, 2007

Quick Shout out of Gratitude.

After being away for a weekend on the J-33 sailing... I wanted to give a quick shout out to a couple of people in my life who make things a little bit easier....

Connie and Sue... Newport and I thank you. I never had to worry that my little "hunny baby" was taken care of.. Plus, I love coming home and getting the best receptions from you.

Mom... Again, Newport and I thank you... I loved coming home and seeing you playing with Newie in the back yard while you were doing your word search... I love that "we" are rebuilding a family, and don't worry, we'll get the "holiday family" time thing down.

Christian... Being my roommate has been one of the best things lately... Not only are you a great roommate, but you are a wonderful friend.

Wip... Thanks for always supplying us with a great time... You spend countless hours working so that we can have the best of the best and most prepared vessel.

Lib.... Man, those sammies were unbelieveable...

Reed... Thanks man for the use of the glasses... And Prada even... Can you believe how shiny that fog was?

Your help this weekend made everything that much more fun.

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