Tuesday, June 5, 2007

!Palabra, a su madre!

Ok... Ok. Here it is... Wip, I'm finally telling everyone...

My trip to Spain has been cancelled... As it often does, in my line of work, plans have changed...

You see, we are in the middle of moving from our lowly, cramped, dirty, un-codeworthy office into a very large, state of the art, comfortable office. This project has been going on throughout this past year, and has been quite a large focus... It's been quite the education; if you've never built a building from the ground up, be prepared for some snags along the way. One mainly, being overages and delays...

My boss has been pretty amazing through this process. Besides doing his job and working on restructuring our company from the ground up, he has taken the roll of being the project foreman... And he's done an amazing job.

With so many responsibilities on his shoulders, he's delegated a couple to his trusty support staff... Mainly Nate and I. It's been very cool being courted by companies that want you to buy from them! We've set the contracts with the new telephone and paging systems, trash, internet, and furniture... Pretty fun stuff... Or is it...

Here come the lessons from building a new office... Delays... For the past 3 months I have had the pleasure of calling ATT. (Ho hum) We pretty much have a set meeting... You see, we need to keep our phone number the same... But unfortunately aren't able to have dual service at both locations while we move... The dilemma... Finding a date to switch the phones over...

Now I know that sounds pretty easy... But believe me, I am finding the stress in it... Looking at my wall calendar, I started my ongoing relationship with the phone lady in march.... Calling nearly everyweek as the building move in date dragged out...

Our current date is June 13.... Just one week away... I haven't called to change it? Do you think I'll have to?

So... what does this have to do with Spain? Thanks.. I often get sidetracked..

I was to leave for Spain in 2 days... Right in the middle of the move... Right in the middle of our busiest time of the year... Trying to get everything done to be gone for 10 days in the middle of our current situation seemed impossible... Which it seems to have become...

Luckily, the trip was cancelled, and I can concentrate on having a successful move... But, in a nutshell--that's why I'm relieved not to go to Spain.

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