Friday, June 29, 2007

Congratulations.... Gersh (Kate) and Emily... My two friends who are definitely in the middle of a great adventure...

I once was lucky enought to work with Emily and I've been friends with Gersh for years.... She even refers to me as 'Sailor Joe', which I find quite endearing...

Together, the two have sold their house and have purchased a boat in which they will be living aboard---in West Grand Traverse Bay... This is definitely an adventure that I wish I had the cajones to do!

So, Gersh and Emily, Congratulations on your new home and adventure Together...

PS. Boat Warming Party tonight.... Contempo Casual Marine Dock A..


SailRacer said...

CS 36? 2 on that? Wow!

Red Headed Stepchild said...

Actually an Islander 36... Should be an interesting adventure as they're living on a mooring north of the YC.

If anyone can and will make the most of it... These two gals will.

SailRacer said...

Awesome! Best to them.. Oh yes, that is an islander. I must be slipping with my classic plastic identification.

Have a fun weekend!

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